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Only available in Dutch. Getting started successfully with planning software. The complete step-by-step guide.

Analysis, implementation, and efficient use of planning software: this handy whitepaper allows you to anticipate the risks and challenges of each phase, so you can take a fully prepared jumpstart. Ready for take-off?

Movetex e-book
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You’re in good company.

Kevin Diepenhorst

“Movetex's 'mobile driver app' provides live tracking and real-time feedback from our team on the job. Thus, our planners and back-office permanently maintain an optimal overview.”

Kevin DiepenhorstPlanning - Van den Noort

Arne Vandenberghe

“Thanks to Movetex's handy 'mobile workforce app', our lift technicians collect all technical documentation, feedback forms and time records easily and efficiently in one place.”

Arne VandenbergheCEO - De Lift

Patrick Peeters

“Every single day, we succeed in scheduling our 50 technicians efficiently. The FSM-solutions that Movetex provides make sure this is done dynamicly, taking into account the customer demands, technicians’ skills and kilometres.”

Patrick PeetersCEO - Cibor

Movetex helps you:

plan 8x faster Schedule jobs in minutes and free up time to provide exceptional customer service. 

boost your productivity Reduce your mileage by 30% and get more jobs done at the lowest possible cost. 

delight your customers Meet your customers’ needs and provide excellent customer communication. 

Discover how similar companies are booking results with Movetex.

How Signpost Guarantees Next Business Day Service with Centralized Planning

B2B Field services

How Tom Bleys schedules preventive maintenance with automated communication

B2C Field services

Elektro Loeters uses Movetex to reduce transport costs and improve customer service

B2C Pickup & delivery