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Indispensable planners

29-03-2023 3 min readtime
Indispensable planners

In the dynamic world of field service companies, planning is crucial. The ability to efficiently plan and manage the field service, exceed customer expectations, and optimize costs is what sets apart an ordinary business from an exceptional one. And at the heart of this crucial process lies the planner. They play an absolute key role but can quickly become indispensable, leading to frustrations. Why and how to address this is explained further in this blog post.

Planners: The Cornerstones of Field Service Companies

For field service companies, planning is one of the most critical business processes. It determines how efficiently technicians can work, how quickly customer issues can be resolved, and ultimately, how satisfied customers are. The planner has the important task of taking charge of this process and ensuring all the puzzle pieces fall into place. From assigning technicians to tasks, considering various variables, to optimizing routes, the planner plays a crucial role in creating a well-oiled machine.

It is important to acknowledge that planners have a challenging and often stressful job. They must juggle numerous variables, such as technician availability, task urgency, customer preferences, and much more. It requires multitasking skills and the ability to perform under pressure. Planners must make quick decisions, solve problems, and always be alert to changes that can impact the schedule. Their resilience and ability to perform in stressful situations are admirable.

Can Planners Take Time Off?

It is a frustration we often hear. Planners are often indispensable for a field service company, and this becomes painfully evident when they go on leave or leave the company. Their experience and deep knowledge of customers, technicians' personalities, skills, and availability, business processes, and even the geographical area in which the company operates make them difficult to replace.

When a planner is replaced by a colleague with less experience, it can lead to inefficient scheduling, delays, higher costs, and even frustrations among field service workers and, in the worst case, customers.

Planning Software Provides Support for Experienced and Inexperienced Planners

Innovative planning software can provide a solution and play an essential role in supporting planners. It offers intelligent tools and functionalities that streamline and optimize the planning process. With the help of advanced algorithms, the software can assist the planner in finding the best solutions, minimizing travel time, and optimizing routes.

Planning software does not replace the experienced planner but supports them throughout the process. The planner can leverage these intelligent tools to save valuable time and avoid human errors. Planning software makes the stressful job of planners much more manageable, resulting in fewer frustrations.

Additionally, planning software also digitizes the knowledge and experience of these seasoned professionals. By inputting parameters and rules into the software, planners can capture their expertise and have it automatically applied. This also enables less experienced planners to plan more efficiently and effectively. Onboarding new employees can also be smoother in this way. Thus, experienced planners can take time off with peace of mind, as absences are covered, ensuring continuity.